You might have heard a lot about Podcasting lately. That's with good reason.
The first time I saw Pump Up The Volume with Christian Slater, when I was a little kid, my mind was set on fire with the possibilities of radio. Podcasting has made all this possible. Podcasting is a way of sending audio (and sometimes video) files - the podcasts themselves - all over the internet for peolple to download and listen to.
A big development happened a couple of weeks ago: iTunes 4.9 came out, with Podcast ability. What this means is that you can "subscribe" to a particular Podcast, and iTunes will automatically download the newest episodes for you to listen to. How amazing. How little work on your part! (If you want to upgrade to iTunes 4.9, visit Apple's website - the upgrade is free!)
Not to be outdone by technology, I'm starting to Podcast myself. The first Podcast was made on My Million Dollar Roadtrip while on a stop in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can listen to this (and others as they become available) by clicking below, and soon you'll be able to hit the "Subscribe!" button to have new episodes downloaded to your machine as they go online. But not right now, because I still have to make that part work, so instead just click the link below and bear with me.
So this is what media revolution smells like.
July 17, 2005 - My Million Dollar Podcast from Charlotte, North Carolina!
July 24, 2005 - My Million Dollar Podcast from Athens, Georgia!
August 2, 2005 - My Million Dollar Podcast from Los Angeles!